Friday, July 31, 2009

Taking a girl out to bowling?

Yesterday, I heard on Mike and Mike in the Morning, that a member of thier staff, over the weekend went out on his first date, and took a girl bowling, Mike Greensburg kept saying to Mike Golic, that is wasn't about him, plus the fact he has been married for the past 10 years, but the girl scored 200 points, and the guy, who refused to let it be known who he is, only scored 60. Guys put yourself in this man's shoes, if this had been you, how would you feel about it, or what would you do about it, or you stop dating her, or no more dates to a bowling alley?

Taking a girl out to bowling?
thats funny.

i always go out with my friends when i bowl, a mix of both guys and girls. and i always end up beating everyone everytime we play.

my guy friends don't get all bent out of shape, their impressed that a lil girlie girl can actually beat them. lol.

take it in stride. shouldn't be a competition. its bowling. its about having fun.
Reply:If I was in that man's situation I would be very happy about what happened. It is nice to win but having fun is far more important than winning. Getting beat by a girl is never anything to be embarrassed about, I would not care if everybody knew she beat me. Why should it be a problem? It is just a game. Games are supposed to be a way to relax and have fun. If it is a girl I like and she is fun to be with, I would feel like the winner even if she beat me in every game we played. I would keep dating her and I would be ready to go to the bowling alley anytime she gets ready and I would enjoy every minute of it.
Reply:Its a game. Supposed to be fun. No need to make it serious. Its not like she assaulted him physically...Maybe his ego.


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