Saturday, July 25, 2009

Is there a difference between a left handed bowling shoe, and a right handed bowling shoe?

Generally, right-handed bowlers slide on their left foot and left-handed bowlers slide on their right foot. So, yes, there is a difference. A right-handed pair of bowling shoes will have the sliding pad on the left foot and a left-handed pair of bowling shoes will have the sliding pad on the right foot.

Is there a difference between a left handed bowling shoe, and a right handed bowling shoe?
ROTFLMAO!!! Only to the naive my friend...the southpaw shoes cost twice as much...LOL

Edit: I humbly stand corrected by sevenofus, learn something new every day...I do know that this has been a prank pulled on numerous people in the thoery that there was no difference, now I know better!
Reply:duh, well no everyone kns. left and right are the same


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